
鄧麗君 ~~ 我只在乎你 (I only care about you)

鄧麗君 (Teresa Teng)
我只在乎你 (I only care about you)

曲︰三木冂⑸ⅶ 詞︰慎芝

如果沒有遇見你 我將會是在那裡
日子過得怎麼樣 人生是否要珍惜
也許認識某一人 過著平凡的日子
不知道會不會 也有愛情甜如蜜

*任時光匆匆流去 我只在乎你
人生幾何 能夠得到知己

#所以我求求你 別讓我離開你

如果有那麼一天 你說即將要離去
我會迷失我自己 走入無邊人海裡
不要什麼諾言 只要天天在一起
我不能只依靠 片片回憶活下去

重唱 *,#,*,#

more: http://www.youtube.com/group/teresateng

update: On 18 Juli 2008 500,000 mark is reached. With blessings from user gevalian ;)

update (13 april 2009) English translation by czler:

If I didn't meet you, where will I be?
How will my days be, should life be cherished?
Maybe I will meet someone, live through each ordinary day
Not too sure if the love will be sweet like honey

Though time passes fast, I only care about you
Willingly feeling your breath
How many times in life can one have a confidante?
Losing the strength... 更多